Friday, May 15, 2009

Recently I logged into my jobs central account and started my hunt for a new job. Sadly, the company that called without me calling was looking for a management trainee. I wanted to just shut the person off the phone saying I don't want another office job; but being the nice typical me, I stayed on the phone with my mind drifted to another land. I entertained her saying I MIGHT just come down for an interview, she just had to send me an email. I received the email, deleted without reading it. Well, I said I might.
Life is kind of still now, except for the occasional stint of doing Eugene's website and taking part in Searth's meeting. I want something more, something that will catch my attention and get me all excited about life, about myself, about the people around me again. I want a new job that's outdoor, fun and interesting. Who didn't want that right... I have friend's asking me why I didn't take part in the world's best job; I didn't know.
It's a phase in life I'm going through. It will be over soon. I'm glad I'm not alone..
Should I go, or stay?