Friday, May 15, 2009
Rescue diver!
It's been 2 or 3 weeks since rescue course ended, I just realise I didn't post anything about it. Before we take the course, it was said to be the most challenging yet fun course. I had my doubts to take initially, after all I'm still a very new diver. But I'm glad I went in the end :D
We had our first session under the hot hot hot sun of Tioman. Within half the day, we were all pretty sun burned. All the scenarios on managing a panic diver, unconscious diver and whatever diver. Tiring, but nonetheless fun! For one we had to swim 100m to shore, put down all our equipments, put them up fast again, swim out to save those panic divers and tow them 100m back to shore. Very tiring I tell you, but you guess it.. FUN! But of course, in a real situation... Don't think we can laugh through it.
Then it was leisure dive and scenarios! For one of the leisure dive I saw a orange-rim black bat fish, just like the one we saw on Australiasia. Before we knew it, the sun was setting..
Girlfriend being cheeky. Mine you or her, it was cold water! Night diver after that. Nothing much to see, sea urchins and more sea urchins. We did saw a tiny little crab. Got lost from the night dive group (fairly common if you dive with her) and we got bored too; ascended and suppertime!
There we were, fresh from a night of sleep and all ready for a day of scenarios.
Meet the Graces. It's Mummy Principal Grace Sin and Grace Loo.
The neo-print photo on board the board, thanks for Ben Bully.
The last scenario of the course. I like this the best. Everyone worked together, even though it was tough. Woohoo! Well done people!
Jia Wen is so convincing. Poor him, he was victim for 53135456374 times during the course.
Support the neck! Looks like I was trying to pull off his head though...
Seeeeeee.. all the audiences watching from above.
Rescue breathe.. I was medical officer for most scenarios.. IS THIS A SIGN?! :D
I didn't notice where my knees were until I saw the photo. Thank goodness it didn't went down...
LOOK properly.. I was even close to contact with his mouth.. I blew outwards hor.. :D
My rescue team.
"Why is there red spots on David's arm? HFMD is it?"
The 3 very cute victims who can move themselves for pictures taken. There were suppose to be dead/unconscious.
We were trying hard to save Jia Wen, we really were.
Yoohooo! Rescue divers after the course! Sun burned and happy!
Girlfriend trying to kill Cubie. Cubie trying to stuff her bottle up my mouth. Cyn trying to rescue her cap. Jerry losing his balance..
It was a really good trip. Like what girlfriend said, I wouldn't trade anything in the world for this trip, the experience and the bonds formed :)
We had our first session under the hot hot hot sun of Tioman. Within half the day, we were all pretty sun burned. All the scenarios on managing a panic diver, unconscious diver and whatever diver. Tiring, but nonetheless fun! For one we had to swim 100m to shore, put down all our equipments, put them up fast again, swim out to save those panic divers and tow them 100m back to shore. Very tiring I tell you, but you guess it.. FUN! But of course, in a real situation... Don't think we can laugh through it.
Then it was leisure dive and scenarios! For one of the leisure dive I saw a orange-rim black bat fish, just like the one we saw on Australiasia. Before we knew it, the sun was setting..

It was a really good trip. Like what girlfriend said, I wouldn't trade anything in the world for this trip, the experience and the bonds formed :)