Monday, May 25, 2009

I would really love to pick up that backpack, cover my eyes, point at a location on the departure board at the airport and fly off; without thinking twice. So often, thinking about it and doing it are 2 very different things. You have the courage to think, but when it comes to doing... you begin to doubt and all the little voices affects the outcome.

I just want to travel. When I'm tired, I just want to go back to my comfort zone. That simple, but yet... not that simple.

I finally worked out the to-do list in life, where I want to go, what I want to do. 99% of them couldn't be accomplish in Singapore. This kind of things drove me on at work everyday. Thinking about the coming ice dive or the trip to the end of the earth pushes me on. One day (but when?), I would be able to strike off all from the list.

I could really do with the trip last weekend. After all, I was asking for a getaway! Just when I agreed to go, damn... I forget I'm an illegal individual residing in Singapore now. Can't travel and technically, I'm stateless also. I'm praying that the high commission wouldn't make things difficult for me.

It crossed my mind that I should stay on at my current job. After all, it's a comfort zone. But then, is that really what I want? I clearly remembered the last thing I wanted was to stay on. Oh well, we'll see. Low chance of doing so.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray... I could do with some sunshine now... I need to get away, anyone?

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