Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Who holds my hand

I just live from day to day.
I don't borrow from it's sunshine,
For it's skies may turn to gray.
I don't worry o'er the future,
For I know what Jesus said,
And today I'll walk beside Him,
For He knows what is ahead.
Many things about tomorrow,
I don't seem to understand;
But I know Who holds tomorrow,
And I know Who holds my hand.
I don't know about tomorrow,
It may bring me poverty;
But the One Who feeds the sparrow,
Is the One Who stands by me.
And the path that be my portion,
May be through the flame or flood,
But His presence goes before me,
And I'm covered with His blood.
The perfect timing could only come from God.
The letter was long forgotten, ask me about it and I will tell you it didn't existed in my memory. But yet when I picked it up last Saturday, it was all so familiar. Barely a month after I return from Logos II, Imelda made me write a letter to myself. When will it be posted; she didn't say and I didn't ask. But for sure when I wrote that letter I wanted to encourage myself to purge on, no matter where I will be in life. As I read the letter and saw the date on top, gosh.. it's been nearly 2 years!
For the past few days I was rather nostalgic. Looking at my own ship's photographs, browsing through Logos Hope's picture; made me wanna pack up and go.
I am of little faith, I need assurance. God has always been faithful, time and time again He gave me the assurance I needed. The letter came at the right time.
Logos Hope; would you support me?