Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Tattletales and The World's Best Job
Tattletales. Usually in American comic, only small kids does that. Currently it's happening in the adult world (in fact, it's always on-going. Some people just don't grow up), what's the fish! It's not the first time that teacher(s) tattled on me. If they have a problem with me, come straight to my face! Get your balls out and talk to me face to face. Why complain to my HOD when my HOD don't even think it's a big enough matter to talk to me about?
So, you teachers think that I'm slacking in the lab just because I'm there most of the time instead of attending to your IT needs? I'm being lazy because I couldn't do anything to the printer when the ink ran out? I'm not up to my job because I couldn't unlock your computer without an administrator password? I'm being irresponsible, rather-do-my-own-things-then-to-bother-about-you just because you saw me using FaceBook?
I so swear that all the vulgar words in my dictionary is coming up.
Get your ass brain here and let me tell you this.
I used to like being in KC so much. I tried so hard to be part of the whole family thing, tried so hard to feel belong, feel connected. But damn it lah, no matter how hard I try I'm still just a contract worker to you people. You talk nicely to me when you need my IT help, you don't even care that I existed when you don't need me. How many of YOU actually bother to find out more about your CONTRACT WORKER colleagues, oh wait.. correction.. DID YOU EVEN TREAT US LIKE YOUR COLLEAGUES?
Give me a break, I'm just want to get some working experience. Indeed, you people are making it a memorable working experience. Thanks for affirming myself that my kids in future will not ever study in Singapore or at least a government school. Thanks for affirming me that I need to get out of Singapore, like soon. Disgusted.
Let's move on to something lighter :D Damn those people.. They won't dare to read on, even if they did, they could only daydream and not do it.
Last night I over heard from the news about this "World's Best Job" thing. This morning I did a search, and darn... It's really a good catch. Too good, I should say. The job scope was to explore the island, feed the fishes, report back, collect mail, clean the pool..
"The Island Caretaker will need to post a weekly blog, photo diaries and create video updates to let the world know about the unique experiences available on the Islands of the Great Barrier Reef. There will also be some interviews with members of the media. The contract involves spending six months on Hamilton Island, one of the Islands of the Great Barrier Reef. The Island Caretaker will also travel to other islands and enjoy activities such as sailing, kayaking, snorkelling, diving, picnics, bushwalking and more. "
and you get paid $150 000 for a 6 months contract! I wouldn't even mind if they pay just $1000/month for that job. You stay in a rent-free apartment in Hamilton Island!
"This is a rare opportunity to help Tourism Queensland promote the Islands of the Great Barrier Reef. So, we’re looking for someone to experience Queensland’s unique islands and report back to us (and the world) about the adventures they are having. "
Wah lao eh... I should have read this earlier and try for it, even though the chance of succeeding is 1%. There are 2 Singaporeans that's in the final 50, vote for them!
I should so quit my job and roam.. @#$%& those people. Maybe this whole event was to further prepare me for the Dayang trip.. So I will have something to relax and let go into the ocean.. Hurry up, Friday. We are all waiting for you..
Study, study for theory.. :D
So, you teachers think that I'm slacking in the lab just because I'm there most of the time instead of attending to your IT needs? I'm being lazy because I couldn't do anything to the printer when the ink ran out? I'm not up to my job because I couldn't unlock your computer without an administrator password? I'm being irresponsible, rather-do-my-own-things-then-to-bother-about-you just because you saw me using FaceBook?
I so swear that all the vulgar words in my dictionary is coming up.
Get your ass brain here and let me tell you this.
- I'm in the lab most of the time BECAUSE I plan my lessons there, I get connected to the website server there, my stuff is there, my work station is there! Don't judge I'm the same as the TA, always walking around doesn't mean always on the job. Sometimes I don't attend to YOUR needs because there is nothing I can do or either you had dropped me tiny little microscopic hints that I couldn't catch you need my help.
- I don't usually pick up lab's telephone because 90% of the time it's not for me. You don't like the frustration of walking all the way in front to the phone and then the ringing stopped, don't you? I don't have the luxury of having the phone NEXT to me like you do.
- I couldn't dig out printer inks for you or your precious students because the inks are locked up and the key is not with me. So, what? I banged down the store for you?
- I couldn't solve certain computer problems because I don't have the administrator password or either it's really not my talent. I'm a training executive, not a technical assistant!
- Is FaceBooking a sin? Damn it, just because you don't have one or you only log in when you're home doesn't mean I have to follow your bloody foot step. FB-ing doesn't mean I'm not doing my job. @#$%&! You don't have a life doesn't mean I don't also.
I used to like being in KC so much. I tried so hard to be part of the whole family thing, tried so hard to feel belong, feel connected. But damn it lah, no matter how hard I try I'm still just a contract worker to you people. You talk nicely to me when you need my IT help, you don't even care that I existed when you don't need me. How many of YOU actually bother to find out more about your CONTRACT WORKER colleagues, oh wait.. correction.. DID YOU EVEN TREAT US LIKE YOUR COLLEAGUES?
Give me a break, I'm just want to get some working experience. Indeed, you people are making it a memorable working experience. Thanks for affirming myself that my kids in future will not ever study in Singapore or at least a government school. Thanks for affirming me that I need to get out of Singapore, like soon. Disgusted.
Let's move on to something lighter :D Damn those people.. They won't dare to read on, even if they did, they could only daydream and not do it.

"The Island Caretaker will need to post a weekly blog, photo diaries and create video updates to let the world know about the unique experiences available on the Islands of the Great Barrier Reef. There will also be some interviews with members of the media. The contract involves spending six months on Hamilton Island, one of the Islands of the Great Barrier Reef. The Island Caretaker will also travel to other islands and enjoy activities such as sailing, kayaking, snorkelling, diving, picnics, bushwalking and more. "
and you get paid $150 000 for a 6 months contract! I wouldn't even mind if they pay just $1000/month for that job. You stay in a rent-free apartment in Hamilton Island!

I should so quit my job and roam.. @#$%& those people. Maybe this whole event was to further prepare me for the Dayang trip.. So I will have something to relax and let go into the ocean.. Hurry up, Friday. We are all waiting for you..
Study, study for theory.. :D