Let me tell you a story of a sea cucumber. Let's name it Greenie. While doing our underwater navigation dive, Perry saw Greenie and picked it up, then passed it to Ben. Ben was seen twisting Greenie around and Greenie freaked. Ben then threw Greenie towards Grace's direction, but because distant judging in water and on land is different, Greenie fell on Dawn's head instead. When Grace picked it up, Greenie was puking her guts out! It was all white and looks like.. you-know-what.. Then Grace pass Greenie to Dawn. End of part 1.
Back on land, white substance was spotted on Dawn's head and it looked like you-know-what from the cucumber. And the whole thing went.. "Dawn ah, you turn the sea cucumber on ah! What did you do to it?" Dawn blamed Ben, Ben blamed Grace, Grace blamed Ben.. That white substance was so hard to get rid of, Dawn was taunted through out the whole trip for "turning the sea cucumber on". Hence, Dawn is now also known as: "Sea Cucumber, Cubie and Cu-cum-bler" HAHAHA! Now, back to the main topic..

We are back in Dayang once again! Getting the AOW knowledge reviews one day before departure was no joke. I spent 6 hours reading and doing on day 1 and a few more on day 2. But it's diving!!

AOW students clocked 7 dives this weekend including 1 night dive. The thing about diving is, no matter how awful you felt from the seasick, currents and giddiness or just sheer tiredness.. you still want to dive! I soooo love he picture above.. Haha.. Perry looks cute with his ranger hat, David looks cute in his sleeping pattern.. and the 3 mischievous ladies taking stolen shots of them while sleeping.. HAHAHA!

That is me. Hiding behind that smile was sea sickness and weariness after fighting the strong current at Lang during Night Dive. All else worked fine when we moved to the next location. Current was strong, but as Ben was towing me and Sing Hui back, we get to enjoy the sky that was filled with stars :D Ben's towing service don't come cheap, 2 cans of coke and wanted to blame me for Dawn's cucumber issue.. :D Nearly let him copied my knowledge reviews too.

Morning dive after heavy rain. It felt like I have slept for a long time, was really shagged from Saturday's diving even Perry's snoring didn't bother me, AT ALL. If you're wondering why we are that happy.. Divers are happy people. Actually, Ben was trying to push us under and we were holding our smile and keeping ourselves up.

We saw the puffer again! And a whole lot of other fishes too.. This trip is much better than OW trip. Better buoyancy and consumed lesser air.

See the bright colors under water? You should go diving and be awed by it too!

During dawn dive, we saw like a thousand of this Kuning Fishes.. You know, the fish you eat with your Nasi Lemak? Hahaha.. It was a pretty sight, thousands of them swimming near us.

It's like Jia Wen telling me, "Don't smile so wide lah, GEL!"

We have to do stunts like this during AOW. Coolness huh? I like this stunt though I floated all the way up to the surface when I first did it :P We had to do somersault (backward and forward), twist around in water and even took part in the underwater race. Ben won, he played cheat. He was a few steps ahead of me before race start.. HAHAHA! But at least he shared his chocolates.

Turtles again and please, do not do follow what Everett is doing :)

Here we are, surfacing after 63844637 dive.. Not that much yet lah huh.. soon soon.. and I was happily pee-ing after each dive MUHAHAHAH!

Girlfriend didn't come with us this dive, so we decided to take picture with Ben's M&Ms blanket and tagged her. See, we thought of you during the trip! So, think of me during the Perhentian trip!

It was cold and tiring after clocking the 7 dives. The ear was painful from equalizing, the knee was painful from the scratches.. The body needs sleep and food..

I had this small orange blanket that covers only up to my leg. So I stole Dawn's blanket when she was away.. and cover all the way to my head.. Cause I knew people are going around taking unglamorous shots of people sleeping :D I'm that smart.

Dinner at the usual place.. Jun tried to poke my eyes out, looks like she is still suffering from narcosis.
Yeah!! Certified advanced open water diver! But it will be a few months before my next dive trip :( I wanna go Perhentian too, but low on finance and can't keep going away during weekends for diving.. how how how?
# . Grace Eleora Loo : 3/23/2009 10:37:00 AM