Monday, February 23, 2009

Barracuda was nice, good ambiance and crowd. In the end manage to drag Azri down too! Thanks for coming, and I'm waiting for your call after 1st March. Paris International it will be :D Girlfriend did a good job that night with her team, you deserve that rest! Won a photography book in the luck draw, I wanted the free courses lah! I think I'm falling in love with Erdinger :) Pool session with Rod and Azri, and I should have been the one that won, but cats like to play cheat, what to do? The whole party ended at 3a.m, by the time we got back it was 4.
I love your blankie, girlfriend! And the mountains of pillows, just like my own bed. I actually woke up at 6 by my own alarm, and surprisingly I'm quite awake! Slept back and got woken up by her stupid-irritating-not-working-phone's alarm clock that wouldn't stop. In the end I took out the batteries, HAHA! Was late for my own Church by the time I woke up, went to GMC. It's really a luxury to attend church minutes away from you, and I mean walking and less than 5. For the first time in a few months, I paid attention to sermon :P It was a good service, reminded me of time management. Why is it I always pay attention to sermon in other Churches, but not during my own Church's service?
It was back to Glor's place after service. Laaaaaaaaaaaze the afternoon away watching National Treasure 2 and a heap of documentaries. That's what I call a lazy Sunday. Had dinner with her family and ended up joining in her family-time, or whatever she calls it.
It was strange, but I couldn't help it. Emotions were rising and I was actually choking back tears during the family worship. Oh man, if my own family would have things like such. It's was really, and I mean, REALLY, nice to just sit around and talk about your week, what you've learn, what you've encoutered. It keeps you updated of what's going on in the family. Called me sensitive or whatever, but I was touched :) My love language was indeed Quality Time.
A little guitar, been awhile too. I learn a new cord, C7. Glor's my new guitar teacher, I don't care. Yeah! Glor send me home, saved me from the lonely bus-ride! It was a really nice weekend. I got the sleep I wanted, the fun I needed, the spiritual food I lacked, the time well-spend and the lazy-feeling which was gone for sooo long.
Thanks for all, girlfriend :)
I want to have a great week ahead too! Life's good :)