Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My family's traditional. At least that's what they made me feel. My grandma is English educated, she knows what rugby is and she has traveled to a heap of countries. My grandma is traditional, yet not that traditional. Ah, I should say 'Singaporean-washed'. Her (that includes every single one in the family other than Shireen) rationale of a stable life was to study, get a office job, earn a few thousand a month, married, have kids, have CPF, Medisave and whatever-save.
So, when I came along and say I don't want a life like these.. Imagine the reaction. Now they're happy with me cause I have a stable job, income and graduated. But soon, I'm sure, they would be frowning at me.
As I was sitting at my place, looking at the old-traditional-likes-to-find-fault-singaporean-kiasu-teacher teaching, I can't help but feel disgusted.
"You all are (class name), you all should have scored the best grade. But how come like that? Horrible you know!"
I suddenly remembered the teachers Glor mentioned from OFS.. if only our teachers are like them. Positive approach, sensitive teaching.. instead of blaming and brain-washing students with negative words hoping that it will motivate them. The whole time I'm telling the teacher to shoosh in my head. Felt so rebellious then. She wasn't teaching me, but I felt like walking out of the lab.
Life's short man.. I will; mark my words, read my lips; pack up and fly awaaaaay.. Gotta learn how to travel, eat, live and experience like never before. It's my life, my chapter, my story. Time to get rid of the 'Singaporean-washed' side of me.. Yeeehaaaaa!