Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Many times or most times, I forgot that I was once like that too. Grace oh Grace, when will you learn to be patient? Instead of rolling your eyes, can't you walk over and comfort that little girl? Instead of showing your straight face, can't your gently say "I'll come over." Instead of ignoring student when they ask for simple help, can't you just be patient and help?
And so, I asked.. How do you gain patience? I really admire people who have a lot of patience with people and things. They never flare up, they are always nice and gentle, they are meek.. I want people to be patience with me when I'm slow, I want people to be patience with me when I find it hard.. So, isn't it time, Grace, you show some patience yourself? Bring down that 'D' inside you, bring up that 'S' and 'I'.
Do what you want others to do to you!
My dear family members, friends and students whom I have lost my patience to.. My sincere apologies.. Tell me when I start to roll my eyes again.. Say, "PATIENCE!"