Thursday, February 05, 2009
Ouch! My head!

Then it was 2 vs 2, a little more coordination and challenges. Don't know why, scrumming half way, it collapse and my head slammed to the ground. Wrong posture = injuries.. Oh man, and the rest is history; just look at my forehead. Nothing serious, guess it was abrasion and scratches day that night. Poor knee got scratched from who-knows-where, wrist got sat on, fingers got stepped on and someone's knee nearly rammed hard into my mouth during scrummage. I should seriously go get mouth guard and scrum cap.
Woke up this morning to a sore neck, back and arms. Felt so damn lousy, plus it's the 2nd day of the girls' thing; how good can it get?
2 more trainings till the 7s game. Sometime I feel like I can do it, sometime I feel that I'm not up to it. Am I blur on pitch, or simply lacked confidence? Defense, chase-your-pass, re-align, STAMINA to run that 100m full field..
14th Feb 2009, YCK Stadium. 9a.m-12p.m. Come witness some girl power in contact rugby!