Saturday, February 21, 2009
Opening doors

1st major door opening: My parents' salvation. To date, they have been attending Church and seriously considering the salvation issue. Dad asked me how long have I been a Christian, then he questioned why did I believe in a God that I have never seen, touch or hear before. In return, I asked..
Me: "What are you breathing in now?"
Dad: "Air"
Me: "Why are you breathing air?"
Dad: : "To survive"
Me: "Have you seen air?"
Dad: "No."
Me: "Then why do you believe that what you're breathing in is air?"
To cut in short, I explained to him that everyone experience God in different way. What I say to him may not apply, he will have to experience it himself. Thank God, for the very first time I shared with him a little of my testimony when I was first diagnosed with diabetes. I cried, so did Dad. And I can't believe I told him this during the end of the conversation..
Me: "You know God, Dad. You have been to Church when you were young, you know Him and He knows you. During those tough times, it is humans who failed you, not God. He is waiting for you to turn back. Like a father who will always forgive his child when he did wrong, God is waiting."
I have no idea what might have went through his mind that night, but I know it is God working, not me.
2nd door that has opened: Sailing of Logos Hope. LH finally set sail and is into ministry!
3rd door opening: My health! Sometime last year my condition was really unstable. Doctor put me on High Risk case, he made me go back once a month and increase my medicine dosage. I asked him what if I were to go for a 2-year mission trip. He said, he will have to observe my condition. I prayed and asked myself.. "How to walk the distance if my health doesn't allow? God, I want to take care of this temple and walk where You want me to go" Over the months pass, I didn't deliberately do anything.. But each time I went for check-up.. it just got better. Until the last visit, the doctor finally cut my dosage. I may just look forward to the day of being medicine-free!
There are a few more doors, and I'm sure God will open them in His time. Doors that God opened cannot be closed by others. The vision is getting clearer.
Go, Logos Hope!!