Monday, February 09, 2009

I was perfectly fine the day before playing rugby, running like mad and swimming after that. Now, I'm in my jacket feeling feverish! There's a saying that people don't fall sick because of weak bodies, but fall sick because they stay indoors too much. I'm becoming one. Every time I step out of the lab it felt so good, and it sucked to enter again.
Can't fall sick. One more training and less than a weak till the 7s game.
Training on Sunday morning was fine, and I guess it was really hiong. We trained from 9-12 and physical after that. I left at 11.15a.m, the game was still on-going after I left! Oh my, now it's sending butterflies into my stomach thinking about this Saturday... Do well for defense, do well for attack, close up that gap, realign that line, keep the communication strong, chase your pass, build up that stamina!!