Thursday, February 19, 2009
Familiar Smell

Late into the morning, all was still and quiet. I was getting restless facing the computer the whole morning, being unproductive and wasting precious time. A few minutes before the bell rang for my last class of the day, I decided to hang around my favorite spot while waiting for the students to come. Other than the occasional bustling of cars zooming down the road, the surrounding was quite tranquil. I basked under the sun, allowing the gentle wind to brush through my skin and getting my body warmed up again; just what I needed after that long time in lab.
Amidst the tranquility, a familiar scent filled the late morning air. I couldn't make out what it was, but yet it's so familiar and close to the heart. I've smelt it somewhere before and it's the smell that lingers within even after a long time. I took a deeper breath, memories started to form.. It was the smell of forest! Some mixture of burnt wood, soil and the trees. It's the kampong-kind of smell. Reminded me of the walk I took with Frauke in Kiel..
I don't mind basking in the sun every other day.. and I shall walk over to East Coast for lunch!
A pleasant gift for that morning :)