Monday, February 02, 2009
CNY Day 7
It's the first Sunday of CNY! Like many previous years, we went opposite to the HBD blocks to distribute oranges. It was some time ago (what I felt) since I last done something like this and strangely I was reluctant to go. Was even thinking of calling Glor out, so I can escape. But thankfully I didn't; I enjoyed it by the way.
So, here are the evidence of us (opps!) not really paying attention during sermon... bad, bad, bad.. tsk tsk tsk! And if you're thinking that Wan was reading the Bible or taking down sermon notes, you're so wrong.
During tea time, I grab Shann over to take ang bao from my grandma. Look at his smile, insanely cute and innocent. Grandma say keep the ang bao for him first, but the smart fellow knows a thing or two, refused to let me hold. Then Wan came and took it away and pass it to the father. Shann became angry, he grabbed the packet from the father... then he pass it back to him. So, he wanted to pass it to the father HIMSELF.
Shann oh shann, cute as a button. I want my son to be as cute, or even cuter.. He's really "well-trained" for a 2 year old.
There, the whole group (without me inside) ready to distribute those oranges.
The whole thing ended pretty fast. Wen Kai was teamed with me, another cute boy! Bubbly and easy to bully (opps!).
So, there were still oranges left. Our team was to distribute to pass-bys. Wen Kai was so excited about it, he dashed the moment he saw a passer-by from FAR. He literally ran to the passer-by with the oranges, but got rejected. In the end we ended up giving out oranges at the bus-stop, to Church people.
We went Cartel for lunch. I'm beginning to reject meat so much, I gave 3/4 of my chicken to the guys. I happily munched on my assorted vegetables, 2 piece of fish and tiny portion of pasta. Of course in the middle I grab fries from tables.
After lunch we decided to go over to Ning's. Out of nowhere we had cravings for sugar canes, as in the read sugar cane. I bought 2 from the drink stall and munch all the way to Ning's place. Along the way, we were happily spitting and chewing. I guess those didn't count as little, it can be used as fertilizer. Anyway, I was telling Ning how nice it will be if we were backpacking somewhere, chewing sugar cane, spitting it like no body's business, walking down those old old street and not care about the time..

Then we turn and walk into this alley by the drain.. Very Malaysia I tell you, totally match the sugar-cane-eating-and-spitting mood.
It's been awhile with sugar cane, so sweet. The name really match. Desmond commented that it's more practical to buy the juice then having to chew your bones out.. But it's the memories brought back that count what!

The people watched movie at Ning's, while I napped from don't what time till 6p.m. Damn long I think.. haha! Ning said we went her house for napping.. Went Aunty Yong's place to cut hair, met Desmond's new dog, had dinner with Denise and that's my sunday.
Nope, didn't go for training. It was 8.30a.m, need to be in Church.. Oh man, only 3 more trainings till the 7's game!!