Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Wan and I was talking over MSN yesterday about having to work full-time now. She admired those homemakers who get to cook and stay at home. As for me, I would really prefer to be outdoor, under the sun, sweating, getting myself dirty. Once again I stood at my favorite spot waiting for the students to come, and I thought to myself what would life be if I had made it to work at the zoo? I would be happier, but definitely not my parents. I was walking home from work and along the way I thought, do I want to live life normally like most Singaporeans would and is educated to? Graduate, get a job, get promotion, get married, have kids, travel like once a year on a tour group.. is that all?
Actually, the choice is mine. I could jolly well quit and leave in September, pack up and move on to the ship's ministry or take up an overseas teaching job. I would rather be teaching kids who wants to learn but don't have the chance then teaching brads who complained that the lab is too cold, too hot, computer's too slow, chair's not working well.. As I was going through the students' presentation yesterday in class, I asked myself.. "What are you doing here?" It seem like for that moment, I lost the meaning of this job. On what purpose am I still teaching for?
Ah Bu asked me to believe in miracles.. and I really do believe that it's all up to me..
Come on, Wan, let's go Redang and hug coconuts..