Friday, January 23, 2009

So, it was another one of those quarrels I had with my mom this morning. It occurs to me that I can never talk to them properly, it's either too loud for their ears or I don't reply at all. Talking to me in the morning is a short way to kill your day. When you're all groggy and just started your engine for the day, you don't want to open that mouth first. That's me. So, usually my words are very limited or simply doesn't exist right smack in the morning. Strangely, my mom doesn't seem to know. It's funny how rare it was for me to raise my voice at others but not at my own family members, especially my mom. All it takes was me to raise my voice and she went yadda yadda yadda... If it was the past, it would hurt really bad, but somehow.. this time it doesn't. Maybe I've grown stronger to that piercing, maybe I don't even care anymore. It's funny how each of our quarrels always ends up hurting me or her; mostly it's me.
Apprantly we are always hurting each other, knowingly or unknowingly. What kind of relationship is this huh? If distance is the answer to this long drawn question, I gladly abide. Perhaps being far away from each other would heal the wounds completely. She said I didn't care; and if I really didn't care.. I wouldn't be in Singapore now. They have no idea how much I wanted to be away from them.. What a sad case..