Monday, January 19, 2009

It was a roller coaster ride last week. Emotions were high and tears were flowing, but after all these usually comes empowerment. The thing will still be there lurking to pounce on you at every available seconds, take you down and devour you before even reacting. I'm glad I saw the thing and ran back to God. I can't be sure if I will attempt to provoke the thing again; no, I shouldn't.

The plan was to stay away, or maybe stay low. I tried, I did.. Not too obvious I hope. But it's all so weird, cause I was the one not the other. So, it's unfair. Like Goon says, it's all in me. If it wasn't handled properly, might have side effects. And I don't want to see it ruin in my hands...

I'm much saner now, emotionally and mentally I'm stabled. Keep it going, I'm just sleepy today. Why huh? It's those kind of sleepiness you get when you didn't have enough sleep; obviously!!

Chinese New Year is coming, I can't believe it. I don't feel it coming.. I haven got my shoes yet! I need to exercise more.. Not enough, not enough.. Keep pushing yourself!!

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