Saturday, January 10, 2009
14 hours of sleep :D

I've been begging to sleep in since I can remember when. Straight after Laos, it was busy busy busy. It was only on Thursday then I realize Gracie needs sleep; like seriously. I did an IT training for the new teachers on Wednesday, it was too much for both me and the teachers sitting down. My secondary ones were having their orientation camp from Thursday to Friday, and since I only teach the secondary ones this term, I was free! Not that easy, I arrived 9.30a.m on Thursday when Helen came and told me I was down to run the race with the secondary threes. Totally caught off guard (and being late for work), I raced to the lab to put my things and then to the music room for briefing. I thought I could make use of that 2 days to get some work done; but then...
Friday came and I ran the race with secondary threes. Not a bad amazing race, unique and I'm pretty sure lessons were learned. We went into rubbish dump, cleaned up tables at hawker centers, fed each other food during lunch and a whole bunch of debriefing to conduct after each activity. I was running in with the team back to school when I got spotted by Em and Ms Lam.. which according to Em, Ms Lam was impressed. By what, I don't know.
Went Church after that with my battered body. It was suppose to be dinner together, but ended up it became supper. I tried to sleep during worship practice, but all I could do was help Emmett count beats with my half-awake brain and trying so desperately to fall asleep on stage. Steffie and the guys had some mini-athletes meet after worship practice, my tight hamstring was protesting, so I didn't join in. I so swear it will cramp the whole night if I did. Eunice came and picked all of us for prata session; it's been awhile since I last had some local prata.
And so we send the people home, by the time I got home it was almost 1a.m. Hung around in the virtual world trying to download what was needed for the newly formatted computer, but my body was crying out to sleep.. "Sleep, Grace, sleep!!" I did, and it was good :D
I woke up at 4p.m!! It's been so long since I've slept for that long!! Ain't it good or what?! Scoot over to Shireen's place for early reunion dinner since she and Francis is going Japan for Chinese New Year. After having lunch at 4p.m and dinner later at 7p.m; my stomach protested. Still, I manage to swallow some food before drifting into National Geographic on my own.
Training tomorrow. Girlfriend is going for some adventure race, yilin injured herself.. all by myself again; not!!
Girlfriend, add oil for your hellish race!! Tell me if you need laotian bananas and counter pain!