Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Kuala Lumpur - Vientiane - Vang Vien (11th December, The Lesbian Couple)
I woke up at 4.15a.m, took a shower and by the time I finish packing, Shirly was already waiting for me at the door. We waited for her friend to come pick us up at the foyer and chatted under the morning sky. She told me all about Malaysian's education system, how the teachers and holidays there work. Once again, I gave thanks that Singapore don't run that way. The ride to the airport took about an hour and checking in took some time. There was this group of Malaysian family ahead of me, first it was a few and soon more came to join in the queue. How I hate people like this. Even though I was involve in them sometimes :P Some of the ladies saw me and asked if I was travelling alone. I didn't want to explain much and just said "yes". They were so fascinated by that!
"Oh, like lonely planet that kind?"
I was clearly amused by them and that woke me up quite a bit. I bid Shirly and friend goodbye before going in. I have no idea how long the ride was gonna take, I'm just excited about touching Lao's soil. I spend a bloody 13RM on maggie mee and Ribeana on that flight, blame my hungry stomach.
The nice cooling weather greeted me when we touched down. I wasted no time in getting out and it's the fastest I've been so far. Hunted for a taxi counter and cab down to Youth Inn to meet Gloria. The taxi ride costed about 6 US and later I realise that there is no taxis in town, only from airport. Their's public transport? Tuk tuk, bicycle, motorcycle and by foot.
Here's what Youth Inn looks like from the common walk way. Not bad actually. The info desk lady brought me up to Gloria's room and that woman was still in bed when I came. All she could do was scream when she saw me. Classic.
I'm actually surprise at what mess one lone woman can create in a 3-people's room. Not that bad, but still surprise.
While she washed up, I explored the area a little and checked out the bus tickets to Vang Vien. Gloria wanted to leave Vientiane since there is nothing much to see and do there. She's the boss, so I follow :) We (actually, she) packed up, checked out from the room and headed to change some cash. Before that Gloria was already telling me who she has met, the things she have done in Vientiane before I was here. Once we were on the street, a black guy just shouted across at us. He turns out to be one of the people Gloria has met the day before.
This guy (pictured below) was a little insane I should say. He kept pestering her and we were clearly VERY irritated by him. We manage to shake him off a little and this smart girl told me her plans..
Glor: "I'm so tempted to tell him you're my girlfriend, maybe he will leave us alone after that. But then, it might work the other way."
Grace: "Whatever it takes to get rid of him."
He brought us to lunch at this beef noodles place. The food was nice, the tea was great, that bugger was still irritating. He keep asking if there's any secreats, anything he should know (I guess he's suspecting something) and telling Gloria how much he like her and stuff. Then finally the moment came..
Gloria: "What if I tell you I don't like men? As in I'm not interested in men?"
I was exploding inside me, the noodles nearly came out from my nose. I tried to contain, but can't helped it and smiled. That bugger notices me smiling and asked why. It took him awhile before realiseing that "we are a couple".
Bugger: "Oh, I should have guess it huh? So, that's the secreat."
His mood totally changed! WAHAHAHAHA! But before the whole thing ended, he asked me if I would allow Gloria to keep in contact with him. Lost from what to say, I looked at Gloria and she was smart enough to say, "She's a very jealous girl! She wouldn't like it." But that damn bugger wants to hear me say it.
Grace: "Yeah, it depends on her actually. But she knows I don't like it."
That bugger got no choice. Shook our hands and then it's bye bye. Before that he even asked.. "Are you guys gonna get married?"
What a question to ask.. and Gloria can reply, "Well, if she ask!"
It's one heck of an experience. First day in Laos and this thing... Memories! Oh, the beef noodles were great by the way. They send you a huge ass bowl, you add your own vegetables and sauces.
After lunch and all that dealing with that bugger. My new found girlfriend and I sipped on coconut by the Mekong River. It's a nice quite day, the weather was hot according to Gloria. She blames me for bringing the sun from Singapore. I told you I am a sunshine!
We managed to explore the streets a little before rushing back to catch the bus to Vang Vien.
"Oh, like lonely planet that kind?"
I was clearly amused by them and that woke me up quite a bit. I bid Shirly and friend goodbye before going in. I have no idea how long the ride was gonna take, I'm just excited about touching Lao's soil. I spend a bloody 13RM on maggie mee and Ribeana on that flight, blame my hungry stomach.
The nice cooling weather greeted me when we touched down. I wasted no time in getting out and it's the fastest I've been so far. Hunted for a taxi counter and cab down to Youth Inn to meet Gloria. The taxi ride costed about 6 US and later I realise that there is no taxis in town, only from airport. Their's public transport? Tuk tuk, bicycle, motorcycle and by foot.
This guy (pictured below) was a little insane I should say. He kept pestering her and we were clearly VERY irritated by him. We manage to shake him off a little and this smart girl told me her plans..
Glor: "I'm so tempted to tell him you're my girlfriend, maybe he will leave us alone after that. But then, it might work the other way."
Grace: "Whatever it takes to get rid of him."
Gloria: "What if I tell you I don't like men? As in I'm not interested in men?"
I was exploding inside me, the noodles nearly came out from my nose. I tried to contain, but can't helped it and smiled. That bugger notices me smiling and asked why. It took him awhile before realiseing that "we are a couple".
Bugger: "Oh, I should have guess it huh? So, that's the secreat."
His mood totally changed! WAHAHAHAHA! But before the whole thing ended, he asked me if I would allow Gloria to keep in contact with him. Lost from what to say, I looked at Gloria and she was smart enough to say, "She's a very jealous girl! She wouldn't like it." But that damn bugger wants to hear me say it.
Grace: "Yeah, it depends on her actually. But she knows I don't like it."
That bugger got no choice. Shook our hands and then it's bye bye. Before that he even asked.. "Are you guys gonna get married?"
What a question to ask.. and Gloria can reply, "Well, if she ask!"
They say the bus journey will take abou 4 hours, but bloody hell it took 6. One thing while travelling in Laos, never trust their time estimation. Like Singapore's price menu, add in +++. The bus was old school, 40 seater bus or is it 50? The ass hurts quite a little but that was only the beginning. We arrived Vang Vien at around 7-ish. Too lazy to check out other guest houses, we settled at the one we were dropped at. Nice room, it's green once again.
Heading into the small town hunting for dinner and a tour to join. Gloria was asking me if the town reminds me of House of the Wax.. damn, it sure did. Every dinning place was playing re-runs of Friends. We found a nice tour to join and a nice place to dine.
Pizza and chicken was main course, both were really good. We watched the whole season 7 of Friends before leaving. The other food we keep eating in Laos other than noodle soup was banana pan cakes. Basically it's like roti prata but Laos style. The night was early and we decided to watch P.S I Love You on her laptop. It's me tired from all that travelling and waking up early, I knocked out half way.. It was a nice day from KL to Vientiane and then to Vang Vien.. The journey really began the next day..
Now, let me introduce my girlfriend to y'all. Through out this trip, she took up the role of a mum, big sister, girlfriend and... everything under the sun.