Thursday, November 06, 2008
Touch Rugby

Event: Touch Rugby (of course friendly)
Venue: Church's open field
Time: 4p.m onwards
Wear: Sports attire and shoes (soccer boots the best :P)
- Extras for changing/bathing if you're going to be smelly during YLT; especially guys!
- Liquid (if not run opposite and get it from NTUC)
- Towel (wipe those sweat away, or use toilet papers)
- Rugby ball ( Grace bring!)
See you people! All are welcome, just that we've got YLT from 7.30p.m onwards, so most of us are staying in church.
Another full day?
9a.m - 11a.m : University contact friendlies @ NUS
1p.m - 3.30p.m: Lunch cum Camp Meeting @ Hougang Mall
4p.m - 6p.m : Touch Rugby @ Church field
6p.m - 7.30p.m: Worship Practice @ Church's Main Hall
7.45p.m - 10p.m: Youth Leaders' Training @ Church