Monday, November 03, 2008
Rugby Injuries

Hip tendinitis, minor head concussion, aching left upper back, sore right-side neck and arms; all from yesterday's training. Yesterday was somewhat tougher than the last few, for the first time I was praying for it to end soon. But when it ended, it felt too soon. I'll be hugging my hot water bottle for the next few days. There's training every Wednesday and Sunday from this week onwards.
It's the hip tendinitis that is bothering me. Imagine the pain of feeling pain whenever you lift up your leg to wear your precious cloths, of not being able to cross your leg without feeling pain first, of walking and not feel like an old aunty, of not being able to turn to the other side when you sleep, of feeling slight pain whenever you climb stairs.
And it's only the beginning :) I was told to invest in a scrum cap; but it cost $100! Who wants to sposor me?
Don't know what happened yesterday, all my falls after being tackled were painful and dangerous. I bonged the back of my head during the first fall and again on the side of my head. If you're thinking no one can commit the same mistake twice; you found me. Landing on my injured hip and using my hand to break fall didn't help also. So much for remembering to wear long socks to prevent grass burns on the legs, now I got grass burns on my hands.
Makan with some rugby people after training then went to meet churchies in town. Then eat again! Oh my gosh, so much for that 2 hours of training huh... Saw Sabby at the bus stop. Wasn't quite sure if it was her, but the dark tan was so familiar, anyway I went up to talk. Of course she couldn't regconise me, we didn't talk at training and it was the first time she saw me. But we had a great short conversation before my bus came. I am proud of myself that I approached her to talk :D More practice, more practice..
Then when I reach home, we decided to carry out the following on MSN.Look at our msn nicks.. HAHAHAHA! Photo belongs to Ning by the way.. Refer to her blog for more write up.