Tuesday, November 04, 2008

I knew it would rain when I saw the sunny sky over at east coast during lunch. It was sunny but over at the other side thick clouds were forming; and I was right, it's raining cats and dogs now. Since I have some students still in lab rushing their work, I shall just stay on a little longer.
Somehow I like rainy days. It would be perfect if I were in bed now with my blanket, staring out of the window watching the rain drops splatter and get lost in my thoughts. I had quite a lot in mind today, but somehow I didn't sort it out. Tomorrow maybe, a nice quiet time before lunch or after; anyone want to come along? Don't be jealous that my school is near the beach :D
I remember last Sunday's training. We were all wet, but still we ran and trained in the rain. We all have the urge to slide on the grass. I watched with delight as rain dripped from all our faces, I wondered why. The rain got heavier, but we continue till the lightening force us off pitch.
I remember running home after school in the rain when I was younger. I remember kicking water puddles at each other in the rain after CCAs. I remember wondering why the rain drops were so small in Germany. I remember watching the rain coming from the front and we stood amazed before dashing for shealter in Kiel. I remember sleeping soundly in bed when it's pouring outside. It felt so warm and safe.
Rainy days brings back lots of memories. It's cold sometimes, but yet warm in some corners of the heart. What would be nice now if there's a few good friends together at home or somewhere comfortable watching the rain fall, warm in our blankets, sipping hot drinks and catching up on past memories.
Do we still take time for these things? Do we still take time to remember the past rainy days? Do we still give thanks that it's raining? Do we still feel the warm during rainy days or fustrated because it's not sunny?
I miss those rainy days in Faroes, Iceland and Germany.. it's the people that walked with me in the rain..
The rain stopped. Knock off.