Sunday, November 09, 2008

Still blur, still tired. Warm ups with ladders, jumps and tackles. Did some drills and ended with a short game. Played forwards and backs; learned something new :) Keep it up, keep it up.
Went off to Cityhall with Glor and hunted for Canterbury's new outlet. Somehow we got ourselves lost in "little myanmar" and thank goodness we found our way across the street. I wanted to get the scrum cap, but a good vandilated one cause $165! Next time, next time. Once again, you're always welcome to sposor. Glor and I then found the Canter bags rather attractive and decided to invest in one. Since quite a few Blackies carry the same bag, we decided to have our name embroid! Enthusiastically (got such word or not?), we made our way down to Beach Road to get it done.
"If we don't do it today, it will never be done"
And there, we are happy with the end product. The words are silver in color by the way.

Now, I'm physically tired. How I wish I can sleep in tomorrow and not work. I miss school holidays now..