Wednesday, August 06, 2008

After work, I graped a chair and for the first time I sat and watch the sea. I was so tired and drowsy from the sea-sick pill, I fell asleep with my head against the railings on deck. Thankfully I didn't end up in the ocean. I remembered Aubrey was sitting nearby, maybe she thought I was praying at that moment.. She didn't disturbed me :P
First sailing, it was memorable. 3 days straight, no land, no tv, no internet. I wondered how I passed those 3 days. Board games, chats, naps, meals, worship, trainings, bible studies.
It was very exciting when we reached Faroes. Fishy-smell port and hundreds of locals waiting to welcome us into their port. There was a mini-concert put up by the side of the port, people were carrying balloons, ship's crew were dressed up in traditional costumes and waving national flags. You too will be mesmerized by the sight.
I remembered after Official Opening, Erika(Switzerland), Lizzie(UK) and I went for a walk in the cold and wet island. It was cold but nonetheless warm in the heart. The locals organized tours for us around the island, I went for one and was captivated by the beauty of God's creation.
I went for a Church team while in Faroes, as usual it was cold and wet. We left really early in the morning to catch the ferry; 2 hours journey. I shared my mission testimony and did a skit. Lunch in the pastor's house and had some fun time with Benjamin and Daniel (Hungary). I will always remember Daniel telling me that "Bob the Builder" is "Bob the Built". His cute and innocent assurance to me that I was wrong and he's right. He was only 2 then.
By the time we got back on the ship, it was nearly 10p.m. It's funny that the ship comes only twice in a day. One in the morning and the last one at night. In between, we had to stroll round the island battling the cold and rain.
When we got back, the locals have a pleasant surprise for us before we leave for Iceland the next day. It was cold and rainy, but the locals put up a small fireworks for us. Not very spectacular but it was really nice of them. Imagine watching fireworks in the cold and rainy night with a whole bunch of people on the deck. Svenja (Germany) gave me a hug caused I complained that I was cold.
That was Faroe Islands. We left and the way out to the open sea was very rough... VERY.
Well, if I could.. I would want to visit Faroes again.
Suddenly I miss the smile of the ship, of the open sea, of the rust, of that moment...