Monday, July 07, 2008

We went to settlers for a session of game and food after Church on Sunday. It was my first time there; it wasn't a bad experience! At first I was reluctant to go, I'm not really interested in board games anyway (there's other reasons too), but went in the end. We played a number of games; games I never knew existed and could be fun. I guess the group counts too. Loads of laughing and drinking (cause it's free flow drinks). The food sucks by the way.

When the session ended, we dropped by PS for dinner and a short walk around. I'm tempted to bring Iggy to Church next week!
Wanted to introduce Ligretto to the group, but the cafe didn't carry the game. It's really fun and never a moment anyone is kept waiting! I had so much fun with it while I was on Logos 2.. Maybe I should get hold of it someday.

Ligretto is a card game for two to twelve players. The aim of the game is to get rid of all your cards faster than all the other players by discarding them in the middle of the table. Instead of taking turns, all players play simultaneously. Play is fast and lively, and demands attention to the cards being played by others as well as one's own cards. We should all play, since we are all so violent.

Drum lesson was tough for me. I couldn't get my high-hat, bass drum and snare to coordinate well together. I always lift up my high-hat on the 1st and 3rd beat instead of the 2nd and 4th; retarded left leg. Almost wanted to give up, I was like slowing the whole group down.. But thankfully I didn't and we all manage to move on to fill-ins. Next 2 weeks no lesson, so practice on our own.

Ok lah, knock off time. Go home play with Iggy and change her bedding. She smells now.. and I think she's running a fever. Does hamster have fever??

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