Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Sunday I'm in Church mixing well with Shermine and Matthew, they treat me like a friend (I hope they did!); then Monday back in school, I'm around people of their age, but they treat me like a teacher... WEIRD.
Same age group, different experience.
Too young to be called a teacher? AHAHAHAHA!
Glad to be hearing from Frauke again; hope to see you soon!
These few days didn't practice drums; must find time already! Thanks steffie for teaching me the theory part; actually not really difficult. You got the talent to become a teacher..
Talking about time, Sunday's youth worship spoke to me. It's crazy how we can spend so much time on the internet and other things, but not on God. What's so difficult? I mean, I myself find it difficult, but WHY? Of course when talking to a friend, you get response... but doesn't God also give responses; through His words? Figure that out..
Knock off time!