Saturday, July 26, 2008

I miss walking up the stairs to the dinning room and koisk. I miss walking up and down the gangway. I miss the smell of sea salt and rust. All the time spend together in the ship is priceless. Small cabins but cosy. Small ship but family-like. Now I kind of miss the washrooms, the clinic, the kitchen, the offices, the main meeting room.. HAH :)
I hope Logos II will be put to good use. Maybe it can continue sailing for other good purposes. Pretty sure Logos II held a lot of memories for many others who have been on board. Such a beautiful ship. I will miss this "family" ship!
If there is one more chance, I want to go back on Logos II again. Take one last walk up the gangway. Sit around the kiosk area. Walk down to the dinning room. Walk down to my cabin. Enter my Cabin again. Sit on my bed. Visit the washroom again. Up to the bookhold and clinic. Up to the main meeting room, up to the book fair. Down to Frauke's and Gerdien's cabin. Down to the offices, kitchen and laundry room. Down to the blue and white room. Up to the decks again and finally one last walk down the gangway.
I miss you, Logos II. You're always be part of my memories :)