Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Not like a knife point or gun point kind of threaten, but emotionally and mentally kind of threaten?
It's scary to know that such thing do exist. Last Sunday, I was at a point of feeling threaten and at risk. I don't know. At the moment, I just felt that I have lost my identity.
"Can we call you racerace or yanting instead?" That hurts actually.
So, the "Grace" have been replaced?
It's not like I've never encounter similar "Grace" event before, we got along pretty well... but this time; it's just weird. I'm actually rejecting it. It even came to a point that I thought, maybe I should just change to a less common name.
So, with all the new people coming in. I couldn't figure out why I'm not embracing them like I should as a Christian, as a senior. I feel rejected, or maybe it's me rejecting them. I feel angry, I feel invaded.
Maybe after all, I'm not used to changes.
"Do I just let the tide take me under, or let my fascination reign all over me?"
Did I just lost my identity?