Sunday, July 27, 2008

The chance to learn drums the proper way, but am I taking it seriously? For the first week, I really did practice every day and then no more. Today during lesson felt so... I dragged the whole class down, that's the point.
Couldn't get the beat right and had to redo over and over again. Wasted so much time. Blame myself for not practicing early on. Now even Steff went to join the 'faster' class, poor Donald had to stick with me. So sorry :(
In the end, I'm the weakest link. How true (sad)
Seeing the next class moving so fast ahead, I felt quite useless. It's like because of me, my class is lagging behind. If only I could get it right during the first try, if only I count out loud and wouldn't lose track. If only my beats are good and steady. If only my groove is flowing and smooth.
What's the use of so many 'if-onlys'?
Why did I want to learn drums? I want to learn it the proper way so I can play properly. Next time when I serve on the ship or anyway else, at least there is one instrument I can play for. Now that the Church have so many drummers, I guess I'm not really needed.. Sometimes when I see there are so many drummers around, the point of learning drums became blurry.. Actually I know it's not.
Oh Grace, why are you thinking like this?
Grace, you don't have the natural talent. So, practice practice practice. It's so unfair to keep my class waiting. Hai~
I know I can, I know I can.. Wait for me?