Wednesday, July 16, 2008
一路上彼此照亮 扶持擁抱
我們愛 因神先愛我們
雖你我不一樣 我們一路唱
我們愛 因神先愛我們
只要微笑 只要原諒,
I missed Stream of Praise's Asia Tour last year. The day they came, was the day I flew to Germany. Anyway, that was almost a year ago. SOP came earlier this year, that was because we were their second country in their AT.
Last night was their first event at Bedok Gospel Hall. Nice church, nice building. It feels good to be able to help out again and seeing so many familiar faces. Most of the people that I thought would normally see during AT is not here this year. Lots of new faces.
The service was great. Really nice songs this year.
I guess it's always great to be in the presence of God. No, it's ALWAYS great to be with God (don't have to guess)! Worshipping with all the others brought tears to my eyes, it's touching!
Personally I'm facing some problems. Problems not told to anyone in Church or any close friends (so, you can stop guessing now), it was so mentally and emotionally draining me. So much so, even the thoughts of walking away from God came to me. I was on the brime of walking back into the dark.. Seriously when this kind of things happen, normally I would seek help. But this time, I'm just too ashame to do so.. I didn't even want to talk about it with God, I don't even want to face it; yet it's always right in front of my face. I was so confused..
Then, yesterday while Frank was sharing.. It came to me that certain things I don't have to be confused about. The answer is there, simply there. I can't say I'm alright from my problem now.. But at least now I'm sure God is with me and was with me.
I just pray that God will speak to me more during these few days of event and during Go Forth Conference.. I just want to open myself and let Him work in me..
Oh, the above song is from their latest album. Nice song, another hit next to "Precious Corner" I suppose!
一路上彼此照亮 扶持擁抱
我們愛 因神先愛我們
雖你我不一樣 我們一路唱
我們愛 因神先愛我們
只要微笑 只要原諒,
I missed Stream of Praise's Asia Tour last year. The day they came, was the day I flew to Germany. Anyway, that was almost a year ago. SOP came earlier this year, that was because we were their second country in their AT.
Last night was their first event at Bedok Gospel Hall. Nice church, nice building. It feels good to be able to help out again and seeing so many familiar faces. Most of the people that I thought would normally see during AT is not here this year. Lots of new faces.
The service was great. Really nice songs this year.
I guess it's always great to be in the presence of God. No, it's ALWAYS great to be with God (don't have to guess)! Worshipping with all the others brought tears to my eyes, it's touching!
Personally I'm facing some problems. Problems not told to anyone in Church or any close friends (so, you can stop guessing now), it was so mentally and emotionally draining me. So much so, even the thoughts of walking away from God came to me. I was on the brime of walking back into the dark.. Seriously when this kind of things happen, normally I would seek help. But this time, I'm just too ashame to do so.. I didn't even want to talk about it with God, I don't even want to face it; yet it's always right in front of my face. I was so confused..
Then, yesterday while Frank was sharing.. It came to me that certain things I don't have to be confused about. The answer is there, simply there. I can't say I'm alright from my problem now.. But at least now I'm sure God is with me and was with me.
I just pray that God will speak to me more during these few days of event and during Go Forth Conference.. I just want to open myself and let Him work in me..
Oh, the above song is from their latest album. Nice song, another hit next to "Precious Corner" I suppose!