Monday, June 02, 2008

Though me and Jane didn't really talk a lot, but she has been a motivation and inspiration to me at the ray pool. The way she interact with the tourist, teach them how not to be scare of the rays, how to feed and touch them, impressed me a lot. Her love for her job and animals blew me away too. See, such similarities between Frauke and Jane. Thank God I met these 2 woman.
I fell in love with stringrays. They are such cute and lovely animals! People, please do not be scare of them. They do not bite like a shark and they do not just sting you to death for no reason. Steve Erwin death was a freak accident.
Stingrays sting when they are being stepped on or attacked. Their sting have poison but not strong enough to kill; unless you are stung near your heart or vital organs. Stringrays do have teeth, but they are flat teeth. They suck food out of your hand, and trust me.. They don't bite! So, next time you visit Underwater World, touch and feed them. Forever the rays are hungry. When you touch them, do not wear your rings inside. Not that they will eat them, but you will harm them if you touch them with those rings. We don't care if your ring(s) fell into the pool, we care more about the rays :P Poor rays, they have so many "marks" on their head.
I enjoyed all my conversations and "gossips" with the GSOs, they made the time pass faster. Oh yeah, I nearly missed out the turtles. Turtles are cute too. Turtles are turtles, tortises are tortises.. 2 different animal. And please do not release your poor tortise into the turtle pool!
I miss working with the animals, divers and GSOs already. I will visit UWS again before I leave Singapore. Hopefully to see some familiar faces when I return ( so I can get cheap ticket or even enter for free!)
Now, I want to learn diving too..