Saturday, June 07, 2008

God is great. He created memories. Can you imagine what it will be like if all our memories are like dreams at night? I don't always remember my dream, the moment I wake up I forget them. Though there are times I do actually remember every single details.
It's good to do some memory checks at time.
A few days ago I was trying hard to remember what it's like walking on the street of Iceland, passing by the fishy harbour to get to the city and the time we went street evangelism. I was there, but it seemed like.. I wasn't. Weird huh? Sometimes I'm crazy.
Now, maybe I should try to remember what it's like when I first arrived in Frakfurt, Bremen, Bremenhaven, Faroe Islands, Cuxhaven, Kiel and the train ride back to Bremen with Ilda. It all happened and then fullstop. Time to move on, time to move on.
While shopping with Dovlyn yesterday, she misses her Australia days and I misses my Logos II days. We went into this board game shop and guess what I saw? Carcassonne! It's the wooden man game that we always play while on Logos II.
Carcassonne is somewhat easy but also difficult to play. I remember when Frauke first explained, me and Eather didn't understand the whole thing but we just played on. Of course we didn't win. Actually I never won in that game, too deep. Plus with Frauke around, it's impossible. Another game I really enjoyed was Ligretto! Fun and never a moment you are kept waiting. Sadly, I don't see Ligretto in Singapore. I'm sure people will like this game. Why? No need to use a lot of brains, unlike Carcassonne!
Ahhhh... dining room memories. I introduced The Number Game and Heart Attack to my stepper group. The punishment for The Number Game was spice and salt filled water.. eeeeww!
Dining room holds a lot of memories. Breakfasts, lunches, dinners, breaks, seasicknesses, gatherings, family meals, board games, chats..
I miss dining room, aka din-ning room :D
I miss my stepper group too :)