Saturday, May 10, 2008

Si Yun and Cleo gave Iggy to me for my birthday. Female, pearl white hamster. One month old. They said when they saw this hamster, they knew she was for me.
When they first saw her, Iggy was sitting quietly at one corner. But the moment they bought her, she showed her true colours! She began kicking saw dust out of her cage, very naughty. So, now they say Iggy is so much like me. Quiet on the outside, wild on the inside.
Do you think so?
It's weird to be taking care of a pet once again. It's been so long since Fei Zhu left me. I'm like looking over the internet to refresh myself on how to take care of a hamster. But having a pet to look forward to everyday after work.. sure is an experience.
Now I have no hamster food for Iggy and lost her water bottle while on the way home. I shall buy them tomorrow or very soon.