Sunday, May 25, 2008
3 years was fun, of course it was hard as well. If you have been reading my post you'll realise how shitty it was during project submission period. Late nights, complie errors, reports and the list goes on. The fear of failing, the fear of taking sub paper, the fear of repeating!
No matter how shit it was; it's over :)
Now, maybe it's another 4-6 years of education to come. What should I study? A normal university or Bible College first?
Polytechnic friends are nothing but passer bys in my life? Well, maybe for some of them. But I am glad there are still a few that will remain as friends for life (I hope). Thanks for all the moments! Shout outs to Farabi, Azri, Joycelyn and the rest of my wonderful classmates.
Farabi aka Fara:
I thought your name sounds weird when you introduce yourself. We were highly motivated together and also went down hill together XD. First it was the Pacesetter thing, then GCC then it was uncountable number of events. I remembered ignoring you and rolling my eyes at you. HAH! But through all that, we stuck through them all and is still friends. Thanks for helping me with my projects and for all those encouraging words you said when I needed it. Thanks for also understanding and sharing my thoughts. I promise I will not forget to bring back a dolphin for you next time. Keep in touch, no matter where I am or where you are.
Azri aka Fat cat:
Thanks for "msning" with me with emails during attachment days, else my day are so hard to pass. It is a joy to know that you welcomed God into your life. Thanks also for helping me with my projects, especially during year 1. I just dump my error filled java project for you to debug.. HAHAHA! That's why I manage to pass. Thanks for also sharing my passion on backpacking and for planning the imaginary road trip from Singapore to North Korea to ends of the world. Thanks for also sharing your thoughts!
Joycelyn aka Joyce:
My take-bus buddy! I remember waiting for each other during year 1 at my house bus stop. When you'er late, we always chiong taxi. Thanks for also paying the fair most of the time knowing that I'm broke. Next time, my treat XD. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings with me. Your word of encouragement was what I needed when I'm down. Though we went our "seperate way" when we chose different options in year 2, we are still friends! Continue your passion for God and you will shine ever so brightly for Him.