Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The brakes weren't working well. I was holding it with ever ounch of my strength, still it doesn't really matter.. we were pratically rolling down the slopes like mad people. Thank God, we survived. Never borrow bikes from that shop anymore..
We cycled to chek jawa and climbed all the way to the top of the viewing tower and then down to the jetty. Had a lot of insect bites and my skin was tanned, no burns this time. But as usual, I'm the reddest at the end of the day :) I guess that's my trademark.
Monday went for Zoo's show presenter interview. I like the job and hope I can get it.. Besides presenting shows, we take care of the animals too.. cool eh? Then Ah Bu introduce me to a freelance job that teaches mandarin to non-chinese students in school. According to her, that's the new MOE rules. Chinese students learn malay and malay students learn mandarin.
Well, anyway. I just send in my resume, still need to go for itnerview.
Tuesday went to immigration to see what they can do about my passport issues. NOW they tell me the most they could do was send the letter earlier to me when I'm overseas. You see, at first the letter for me to take oath will only be send to me on the day of my birthday. Hopefully when they send the letter earlier to me, I can make it in time to take oath..
You know what? Actually I like the idea of going to UK now.. Since the ship might not be sailing when I join this year.. So maybe a year in UK would be a better choice?
Living expenses in UK cost about 50 pounds a week, without counting rent. That means a month I need about SGD600.. and according to my friend, it depends on where I live and whether I eat out or cook.
Do you think I can cook? Maybe I should learn now.
Yeah, I'm open to UK now.
What you think?
Actually I was thinking if I get the job at the zoo, I might stay.. but.. I would want UK too...
Decisions, decision, decision...