Saturday, March 15, 2008
Help me with this one

You see. It's complicated.
Because I wasn't born in Singapore, the government ordered me to take my oath when I was 21. With this issue, my passport expires in 2009 November. Like I mentioned before, the immigration officer said I am allowed to take my oath at any Singapore embassy.
But the thing is... IT'S NOT THAT SIMPLE!
The ship sails around. Who knows where I will be in May 2009? Maybe in Latin America, Eastern Europe or some unknown places?
The officer said a letter will be send to me when it's time to take my oath. So, are you gonna send on my birthday itself or earlier? Letters send to me via ship's address takes 2-3 weeks to reach me. If this is the case, I MUST TAKE MY OATH WITHIN MAY 2009. Else, I couldn't travel. Taking my oath in June or later eats into the 6 months validation I'm left with.
And who knows if there's an embassy nearby? I might need to take a flight, a train, a bus to take that oath and then get my passport extended. What if it's not an english speaking country?
Too much work for the ship and the time is TOO tight. TOO TIGHT! While entering into new ports, we may need new visas.. I might not be granted a visa when I have only 6 months validation left.
Isn't it complicated?

Speak to immigration again. Beg them to let me take my oath earlier or give me extention. Or something that works.
Pospond my serving until 2009 September. Which is more than 1 years later. In the mean time I can work in the circular world. Earn some money, get some rat race experience. May be a plus for me.
But I'm only worried that the rat race will caught onto me.. and the idea of staying in Singapore one more year and working... turns me quite off. QUITE.
As suggested by T. Extention of my committment. One year in UK and then 2 years on the ship.
I was suppose to go to UK for my internship with OM's IT head office, but things didn't work out then. T said I could serve there for a year until Sept 2009 and then move on to the ship; if I don't want to wait anymore. ( OF COURSE I DON'T WANT TO WAIT!!)
Why did T suggested UK? Well... getting my oath taken and stuff is a lot more easier. It's an english country. TRUE.
Well. Now. Of course I want to go UK rather to stay here. But.
Cost of living in UK is HIGH. VERY.
Alrighty, I don't have to rent a room. It's provided. But maybe food, transport and other expenses alone can kill? I don't get paid serving in the IT office. It's volunteer. Just like on the ship. Oh, I realise everyone working with OM is volunteering.
And.. IT again? T said "use your expertise in UK". EXPERTISE???
Oh no no no... I'm not.
But if God wants me to. OK. A chance to brush up on my IT skills.
I want IT as a skill, not a career for life.

So, that's where I am now.
Decision, decision, decision.
What's your take?