Monday, March 10, 2008

2 impacted wisdom tooth

Oh great. I have 2 impacted wisdom tooth. One of them is hurting.

Both of then couldn't fully erupt from my gum, it's half way in and out. According Changi Hospital and many websites I read, it's wise to remove them now. The ideal age to remove your dear wisdom tooth is between 17-24.. Well, it read "even if it may not bother you, it's ideal to remove them to prevent any future problems."

Why do they exist, anyway?

The top one irritates me at times, brushing against my cheek when I talk or eat. Today, the bottom one start to hurt.. I don't know why but the gum around it is rather soft now and of course painful when you touch it.

Actually I didn't even realise I have a second wisdom tooth until today; when it hurts while trying to eat a soft papaya...

I guess I have another one, but still hidding in the gum.

I'm afraid of the operation to remove them actually. Your side of the face becomes swollen from it, it hurts and there are risk of infections.. And me being diabetic will take a looooonger time to heal. The great thing is, both of them is on the right side of my face, upper and lower jaw.

But I should get it fix before I bored Logos Hope. The top wisdom tooth have been irritating me before I even went on Logos II.. Thank God nothing happen on the ship.

I guess now it's the right time that it decides to hurt.

Wisdom tooth, why must you hurt?

Wisdom hurts; I guess.

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