Wednesday, February 13, 2008

It was my first time going to a local Church prayer night. It was very nice of the people to change the prayer night into an english speaking one; even though it was very challenging for them. It was very nice just singing praise, sharing and praying together in a small group. The group of Logos-ites who went came from different nations. I remember there were latinos, german, singaporean, australians, british and maybe a few more. We had a nice walk to the Church and back to the ship. On the way I remember the moon that night was very bright and round; I then realise it was mid-autumm festival that day..
We shared and talked a lot on the way back. If it was in Singapore, it would have been a really long walk.. but at that moment, it felt so short :) It was a nice time to get to know more about the people you're living with.
It's only the third day into the last school week, but it feels very dragging already. Handed up MP and DBMM. Should at least feel easd up a bit; but not really. MP didn't really work, I still cannot draw my cutlery from database and most functions that client want isn't in or not working.
DBMM is screwed. ALL the codes are not working and a loooooooooong tragic story to it. I didn't sleep for 2 whole days just to complete these non-functional projects.
Left with CMSK 4 brochure and WAD case study. These 2 I'm quite relax about :)
WAD, I'm confident that I can pass this time. The rest... I still have my doubts. However, reality is I cannot afford to fail any of them. Failing any of them means staying back one more semester, wasting another sum of money for school fees.
Oh pleassse...
I just want to pass and graduate.. Without sub papers, without re-taking another semester, and go on to start application for Logos Hope.