Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Finally, MP presentation is done. Not sure if it's screwed or not. My codes didn't work during presentation. It decided to not draw data when I transfer it from my home's computer to school's computer. The rest of my team member did well on their part. Congrats!! I don't know why, but I'm proud of one of them. She did her part really well, almost did my part too..
C116G gathered to take our class picture! 3 years of polytechnic life is ending soon.. 3 years doesn't seem long, but not short too. If you know what I mean. We moved from being freshmen to juniors and finally now, graduating seniors.
Some of the girls of C116G.
I like this shot. The guy on the left is my bestie who went through almost all the project's thick and thin with me. He beared my temper and motivates me to move on. We almost didn't became friends, but in the end.. we are still friends.
Well, let me just not ponder on presentation anymore. God can make the best out of the worse! But really, I just want to pass and move off from polytechnic life.
One more project to go. Touch up on my DBMM, present it on Friday and I'm almost free!
I bought Melissa Etheridge's latest CD! Music Junction sold it a dollar steeper than the rest of the CD stores I went to... I wonder why. The MJ I went to in Tampinese Mall is horrible! No clear signs to tell of where CDs are, it's all so mixed and looked like a warehouse! But anyway, I'm happy with the CD. It was the last one in store, and thankfully in good condition. They have "The Road Less Traveled" too, I was torn between this 2 but bought what I wanted in the first place.
The songs tell of Melissa's journey, her view on life, war and God. I shall update more after I've listen to it throughly..

The girl on the right is my 'take-bus' kaki. We used to wait for each other to go school everyday, until our time table were different from each other. We talked about God, life, school and almost everything. Though we were not as close as ever, but those few memories were enough.
Finally, C116G's girls!