Sunday, December 16, 2007

Guess what? I just came to realise how fast time is passing by! 2 months since I've been back in Singapore. 4 months since the first time I step into Logos 2. 8 months since I last started attachment.. Almost 3 years since year 1 in Polytechnic!

It's scary and exciting at the same time! 2 more months to graduating and that means 2 months left to start Logos Hope application! Oh my!! When was the last time I counted down and it was still 1.5 years and now.. just 2 more months?! That is REALLY fast.. soon then I'll be gone from Singapore, back from the ship after 2-3 years, finish my Bible College/Normal University studies, went else where, settle down else where and then... " Hi, Jesus!"

First I was young and now I'm still young but older by a little. Friends around me used to be around my age, now they are getting older and older and older... ok, wiser. Used to be the younger ones, now the older ones. Wow.... time, a mystery.

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