Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Finally I got the pictures out from my mobile phone. It takes a longer time now, since I have no idea where I put my wire..
While waiting for Frauke, I spend more than 3 hours in a cafe. So while waiting I found out where the hotel was, read comics, ate, drank, slept, drew and whatever I could do.
Lunch time was settled in that cafe as well. Nice Tom Yum soup! Glad I tried it..
Second day's tuk tuk ride. The one in front was the cheater guide. Frauke was showing off her newly purchased flip flops.. Trust me, she was very happy with it. She keep showing it to me, even though I was there when she bought it.
Frauke's messy fingers after trying out durian. She likes it :)
Then in the night she decided it was time to get a hair cut!
You know what she can be if she wants to change occupation. I was laughing at her all the time..
We went on top of an old temple in Ayuthhaya. The steps was really steep! Nice view from the top.
Frauke reading Far Side.. She was laughting at the book all the time, I was laughting at her :D
A pictures of us! I like this picture, Frauke had a very natural smile. I hate my hair.
Do you know she's actually camera shy?
Ok, I should get to work now.

Ok, I should get to work now.