Tuesday, May 15, 2007
I'm thinking of joining Doulos' 2 months program after SIP. That would be made possible if the two months program is inline with my long holidays, financially I can make it and God's permission. Browsing the web and came across the 2 month's program I wanted to join before the 2 year's program. Now I have a few options of things to do during the holiday.
1)Backpacking trip to Myanmar/Malaysia
2) Doulos 2 months program
3) Month-long mission trip to where God wants me to go
1)Backpacking trip to Myanmar/Malaysia
2) Doulos 2 months program
3) Month-long mission trip to where God wants me to go

After Doulos' long term program, I could go for Bible Colledge at South African Theological Seminary (SATS). Or I can work long term with OM! Keep praying, keep praying...