Wednesday, April 11, 2007
KUKU lah! My Braziliano Praia sandals broke! I had it for less then two damn months.. As usual I wore it to school for meetings and stuff, when I was walking home the end broke! Heart broken~ Bloody hell, to think that it was my most expensive sandals I have ever bought. The last one I had costed me $3 and it was worn for nearly 4 years. This one, costed me $50 lasted for less then two months? It really make me ponder to buy expensive stuff again. $50 is expensive to me, ok? Mine was brown base and lime green stripes..
Anyway, here are somemore pictures of Shanghai trip from Xiao Chen's camera.
Look towards the right, you'll see some "sian" faces. Why? I think I know why and they know why. Wahahahahahahahaha!!
Trying to be emo and kiddish all at the same time.
Checking out of Gang Hong Hotel!
Most of the class girls with this French teacher that everyone say is nice looking. Ok, he's cute lah huh..
We were sad to be leaving Shanghai soon.. Emo!
Shanghai Normal Univeristy Auditorium
Was that a shit bucket I carried? I have no idea...
After the Oriental Pearl TV Tower tour
Beware of the Taiji Master. Can you feel the power?!
Morning exercise at the park
Meglev train ride. I was wondering how fast this train can go.. Well, up to 430km/h.
So cold, I lost my hands.
After lunch, chilling out in the cold wind under the sun
We became engineers for a day.
Please lah, toilet also want to take!?

Anyway, here are somemore pictures of Shanghai trip from Xiao Chen's camera.