Sunday, April 08, 2007
I'm back in Singapore once again.. Weather damn hot, missed the cold cold weather of Shanghai the moment I felt the heat. Landed this morning and headed to church after going home for a shower. So shacked, I missed my stop and had to take a return bus. Most of the time my eyes wanted to close during the sermon and during worship; I'm just this tired. Nose blocked, tired body and super dry face.. Damn.
Uploaded the pictures into my MSN space, for those who wants them or view them: Click on "Grace's space" and there you will find the photo album of this trip. I tried uploading some pictures into the blog, but the size was just too big and slowed down the whole process. It suck and irritates someone who was already so tired.
I'll go into details soon, after recharging my human batteries.
Some of the class when we were checking in at Shanghai airport
Jun Kiat and me. Wonder why his glum face? Bwahaha... I hit him that day for waking me up in the bus when we reached the temple. I was still blurred from sleeping and thought he had played a prank on me for waking me up. I hit him quite hard I think; even I don't really remember. I knew I hit him, but not sure was it in my dreams or did I really hit him. In the end, I really did. So sorry! The moral of the story? Never wakes a person who lacks sleep up and if you have to, be careful.
Woke up early on the last day to watch people do Tai Chi. Since we got nothing to so, we joined in.. As you can tell from the picture, it was a screwed up and people laughted at us. Tiger was so distaught, he weeped.. Kidding :P
Mama and me on the street of Nan Jing..
Oriental Pearl Tower. Had a hard time getting this tower into the camera, in the end I had to use method like this.
Alright, better get some sleep and head start on projects and immersion program.
Uploaded the pictures into my MSN space, for those who wants them or view them: Click on "Grace's space" and there you will find the photo album of this trip. I tried uploading some pictures into the blog, but the size was just too big and slowed down the whole process. It suck and irritates someone who was already so tired.
I'll go into details soon, after recharging my human batteries.
Alright, better get some sleep and head start on projects and immersion program.