Friday, December 29, 2006
1) I'm afriad of those machines that cuts grass. If you know what I mean, those long long cutters that cuts grass and bits of grass will fly about CUTTING people. Whenever I sees them, I pratically ran away.. YES, ran away.
2) I am both a morning and a night person. Morning person when I was out of my home; I wake up very early and at the slightest sound made. At home, I wake up like after 1p.m. Even the fire alarm can't wake me up. Of course if there's event, I still am able to wake up early.. Just that I allow myself 1 hour to get out of bed.
3) Once, with a friend, we sneeked into the teachers' office and played a prank on a teacher. We emptied super glues onto her chair (Hoping that she is stupid enough to sit on it), glued her shoes to the ground and... can't remember. After that incident, the teachers' office has a CCTV installed.
4) Whenever you see me yawning non-stop out of the blues, that can only means that I'm not feeling too well. Don't know why, but I will start to yawn when I don't feel right suddenly.
5) I love to take long rides! There's a reason why I don't like MRT rides and prefered buses.. Don't know why, but I just enjoyed those long rides on the bus. I get to see the surrounding, I get to listen to my MP3, to think and even to sleep. Whenever I'm feeling down, taking long rides help me cool down. BUT, I dislike long plane journey.. All I see is clouds and the aircon is not cold enough..
Now, who should I tag??
1) Chang Chi ( Wahaha! You're tagged!)
2) Azri (Cat, not sure if you still do read blogs.. but you're tagged!)
3) Jia Ying ( Oops, I know you read mine sometimes.. Up to you if you wanna continure this game)
4) Lydia (Double oops...)
5) Reuben (Surprise!!)