Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Read about Doulos in Lydia's blog and I was reminded that they are coming to Singapore soon! Boy! The last time I visited Doulos...I was 12 or 13! That ship was huge and I remember going down to their bookstore which is under the sea! It sparked me even more when she mentioned "joining Doulos". I fondly remember my dream when I was on board Doulos, "to serve on the ship". Well, I was too young then to join but now I have reached the minimum age!

"Participants in the Global Action programme (Doulos) serve on board for two years. All work in full-time jobs in one of the departments on board. The programme also includes study programme activities, training for and participation in the public port programme activities, exposure to the cultures and needs of the countries visited and learning to live and serve effectively in a multi-cultural environment" Imagine being away from home for a good two years without communication! That sure will cause my Mom to miss me, if she don't. I'm speechless.

If Doulos is here again in 2008 after April, I will join them if it's under God's will. Else, I'll work to save more money for this amazing trip. Then after Doulos, it's Lugos! I wonder what will my parents think or say if I were to tell them this plan. Actually, I have aready sudmitted the "first-step" form to Doulos;all I have to do is wait and see what happens.Also,pray.

After graduation, since I'm young and not easily sea sick yet.. It's a good opportunity. Plus, a break from my usual life before I start University.
I can smell another amazing dream coming true! Thanks Lydia for your post! All in God's will and not mine!

Sail, sail, sail your boat..

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