Monday, October 09, 2006
Since I got my new cellphone, I realise I've been recording my days with pictures!
This was Sunday's worship team. It's nice to see them working together with the same purpose.
The Church choir (female) went on stage and sang a song during service on Sunday. They improved so much with the addition of 2 new China members. 2 voices are enough to cover over 10 of the local members.
Once again, the worship team. Gathered for prayer before worship starts
So there's the worship leader (in black), bassis (in green), keyboardist (in dark blue), pianist (in black, waving), guitarist (in white) and drummer (in red). Camera person (taking picture)!
It sure feels good to see how worships changes with time. From only a pianist and worship leader, to pianist, guitarist and worship leader, to today! I remembered how bad we treated worships, choosing songs on the spots and singing the songs we wanted without any purpose. As I sat there yesterday watching the team get ready, I felt a sense of pride of how far we have came! Of course, glory and honor to God!
"The ultimate leader is one who is willing to develop people to the point that they eventually surpass him or her in knowledge and ability." -Fred A. Manske, Jr.
"The great leaders are like the best conductors - they reach beyond the notes to reach the magic in the players." -Blaine Lee, The Power Principle
So, there's the "victorious" side, but there's also the down side. Sometimes when I lead, it's sure a turn off to see the teachers' talking to each other at the back and not singing themselves. I don't know, maybe they don't understand the songs or simply thinks that the songs we sang were wrong; like what happened on Sunday when FW came out to voice his thoughts. From my point of view, FW should have spoken to the worship team instead of the whole group. Although we totally disagree with what FW said, non of us wanted to clear things up with him; we expected his ten-year-series answers anyway. So, there's the waiting period. Then it's the people.. well, their faces tells us to "Hurry up finish the song" or " I'm bored". Of course, not all of them :) There's still a long way to go! However, each time when I lead; I pray to see only the vision of the cross and not the people's faces. We lead for God and purpose is to bring them close to God.. We are humans afterall; God can lead us on.
Anyway, I met a lady from UK last night through one of the forums I visit. We had a great time chatting even though she's a senior to me. She once was from Royal Air Force and was stationed in Singapore before. That's so cool to chat with someone who has so much knowledge and experience to share! I do look forward to chat with her more often. But of course time is a problem. I'm 7 hours ahead of her! At first, I thought she is going to be in her 20s or so; but it turn out not! I shall not reveal her age; but she's a special friend I know through the net. I chated with her till 4.30a.m this morning! Boy, was I shagged or what. I can't tell Left from Right, twice!
My favorite show is on for the last episode tonight! Then, I'm not sure what show will catch my attention, the new show seems boring.
So after Church we went for lunch as usuals and off to Serengoon Gardens for meeting. It's an interesting idea to set up a place for youths to share their new songs and sing some songs to the Church and outside people. Who knows we may be talented spotted! What a dream...
Yes, this week is gonna be great. By faith, it will be great.
Shirly: All the best for your major examinations! Keep praying, do your part well and God will fulfill His!
Chang Chi: I know you are reading this! Take really good care and shine on for Him!
People who reads my blog: Thanks for visiting! God bless... I love you all; even though I don't know some of you. Leave a message!

It sure feels good to see how worships changes with time. From only a pianist and worship leader, to pianist, guitarist and worship leader, to today! I remembered how bad we treated worships, choosing songs on the spots and singing the songs we wanted without any purpose. As I sat there yesterday watching the team get ready, I felt a sense of pride of how far we have came! Of course, glory and honor to God!
"The ultimate leader is one who is willing to develop people to the point that they eventually surpass him or her in knowledge and ability." -Fred A. Manske, Jr.
"The great leaders are like the best conductors - they reach beyond the notes to reach the magic in the players." -Blaine Lee, The Power Principle
So, there's the "victorious" side, but there's also the down side. Sometimes when I lead, it's sure a turn off to see the teachers' talking to each other at the back and not singing themselves. I don't know, maybe they don't understand the songs or simply thinks that the songs we sang were wrong; like what happened on Sunday when FW came out to voice his thoughts. From my point of view, FW should have spoken to the worship team instead of the whole group. Although we totally disagree with what FW said, non of us wanted to clear things up with him; we expected his ten-year-series answers anyway. So, there's the waiting period. Then it's the people.. well, their faces tells us to "Hurry up finish the song" or " I'm bored". Of course, not all of them :) There's still a long way to go! However, each time when I lead; I pray to see only the vision of the cross and not the people's faces. We lead for God and purpose is to bring them close to God.. We are humans afterall; God can lead us on.
Anyway, I met a lady from UK last night through one of the forums I visit. We had a great time chatting even though she's a senior to me. She once was from Royal Air Force and was stationed in Singapore before. That's so cool to chat with someone who has so much knowledge and experience to share! I do look forward to chat with her more often. But of course time is a problem. I'm 7 hours ahead of her! At first, I thought she is going to be in her 20s or so; but it turn out not! I shall not reveal her age; but she's a special friend I know through the net. I chated with her till 4.30a.m this morning! Boy, was I shagged or what. I can't tell Left from Right, twice!
My favorite show is on for the last episode tonight! Then, I'm not sure what show will catch my attention, the new show seems boring.
So after Church we went for lunch as usuals and off to Serengoon Gardens for meeting. It's an interesting idea to set up a place for youths to share their new songs and sing some songs to the Church and outside people. Who knows we may be talented spotted! What a dream...
Yes, this week is gonna be great. By faith, it will be great.
Shirly: All the best for your major examinations! Keep praying, do your part well and God will fulfill His!
Chang Chi: I know you are reading this! Take really good care and shine on for Him!
People who reads my blog: Thanks for visiting! God bless... I love you all; even though I don't know some of you. Leave a message!