Friday, October 06, 2006
Scary pictures

As I signed off earlier on to watch Oprah's show; (I missed Ellen's show) it was a great show. Her show featured an author, Elie Wieseh ( I hope I didn't spelled the lastname wrongly), who was a Nobel Peace Prize Winner and a survivor of Hitler's Holocaust. He talked about the past and reminded us how important peace is. Humans said that Hitler's Holocaust will never happen again, but yet so many wars and killings have gone by and are still going on. If you don't know, Sudan's "mess" are still going on. It's scary how soundly we can sleep at night while the other side of the earth, people are dying every minute. It's scary how changes can affect so many things in our life.
I clearly remembered when I came back from Cambodia, I said I never wanted to step inside that R-21 Prision again or any concentrate camps. Then, today I asked "why so?" Is it because I was scared of the sight I saw or to know about their past? I guess I was scared; but God said not to be afraid! I need to know what's happening and what has happen to be able to reach out my hands.. and suddenly I have an urge to visit the concentration camps in Germany...