Monday, May 29, 2006

It has been a loooonnnngggggg time since I last sat infront of my computer to do some serious school work. Because I had to rush some Sofeware Engineering project, I had to sit down and think. Although I was blank for the first half, I thank God for clearing the blockage in the end. I was there panicking of what to do since I understand nothing of the qurstions asked and kept praying! God answers prayers.

That's one shock for that moment and before I can recover, another came by. Read the email send by GCC, the Cambodia trip is this June and not October as I thought it was! If we want to go, we'll need to bring forward 500 bucks next tuesday. 5oo bucks, where do I get such money. My bank account is almost zero, I have a few hundred dollars with me and a haven cash in cheque of a few hundred dollars. Plus together, not even enough! Yeah, maybe after the subsidy it will be lesser than 500, but still they needed 500 bucks just in case. I really want to go for this trip. It's like once in a life time you can go on a community project trip with your school and learn something out of it! Tired of the normal holidaying, I want something meaningful. This is my chance. I emailed asking for information on where to get sponsors and got some link to go to. However, all of them required at lease a month's notice! I have to make my payment next week! Well, I believe God will help me open up the path if I can go in His will.

In any case, if anyone would like to sponsor me. Please email me to know more about the coming project. 500 bucks, where am I going to get these money!!??

Church was alright today, that stupid feeling (depression I called) was gone when I broke the barrier I placed. Saw the Tan brothers! It's been a really long time I saw them since they change church with their parents. Still so cute and cubby, wanted to pinched that baby face; but no chance!

Cambodia... 500 bucks... Australia study trip... 1400 bucks... money money money, it's so funny yeah... Vietnam CDS... 1000 bucks...

Sponsors anyone??

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