Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Getting lazier to blog nowadays; so many things to type out but just lazy to do so.
Just came back from Aunty Gek Sim's funeral. Although not very close to her, but I remembered the days she bought me candies and gave me extra pocket money. Been years since I last really contact with her. Her health was failing her and yesterday the Lord called her home. A good news I think, at lease there's no more sufferings and pain. Heard from Grandma that her leg and heart was giving her problem. Well, although it may be saddening to see someone go; but be happy because she's safe in God's arm.
Prayers meeting tomorrow and I wonder how many will turn up.. Finished off my Easter Day's video; just some more editing to do.
Spring rain is going around, even in the States. Raining here almost every afternoon. On Monday I was even caught in the flood!
PaceSetters' stuff on Monday; no motivation to go. Somehow this PaceSetters things seems so political to me. Looking at the people, speechless. Leadership, oh there is! But is it on the right track? Somehow there's one reason why I don't like the country I'm living in. People are taught and "personalised" to what the government want us to be. I don't know how to explain, but it's just so *ssheesh* The school tells the young generation to study hard, get good result then get a good job. Well, is that all? Sometimes I'm ashame to announce that I'm a SINGAPOREAN. But in the first place, I'm not.
Yeah, cannot forget that there are a few good points that Singapore have and other countries don't have. Like, safety, clean water, education and equal chances etc.. But the good sides have their side effects. For example the freedom of religion; Christians in Singapore are so deep into their comfort zone!! Maybe one day a slap on the face will wake them up!
Singapore, singapore..when can I get out of this country?
Just came back from Aunty Gek Sim's funeral. Although not very close to her, but I remembered the days she bought me candies and gave me extra pocket money. Been years since I last really contact with her. Her health was failing her and yesterday the Lord called her home. A good news I think, at lease there's no more sufferings and pain. Heard from Grandma that her leg and heart was giving her problem. Well, although it may be saddening to see someone go; but be happy because she's safe in God's arm.
Prayers meeting tomorrow and I wonder how many will turn up.. Finished off my Easter Day's video; just some more editing to do.
Spring rain is going around, even in the States. Raining here almost every afternoon. On Monday I was even caught in the flood!
PaceSetters' stuff on Monday; no motivation to go. Somehow this PaceSetters things seems so political to me. Looking at the people, speechless. Leadership, oh there is! But is it on the right track? Somehow there's one reason why I don't like the country I'm living in. People are taught and "personalised" to what the government want us to be. I don't know how to explain, but it's just so *ssheesh* The school tells the young generation to study hard, get good result then get a good job. Well, is that all? Sometimes I'm ashame to announce that I'm a SINGAPOREAN. But in the first place, I'm not.
Yeah, cannot forget that there are a few good points that Singapore have and other countries don't have. Like, safety, clean water, education and equal chances etc.. But the good sides have their side effects. For example the freedom of religion; Christians in Singapore are so deep into their comfort zone!! Maybe one day a slap on the face will wake them up!
Singapore, singapore..when can I get out of this country?